
    The biggest Capital Outflow Since August 2022!

    7h56 ▪
    min of reading ▪ by
    Ariela R.

    According to the latest report by CoinShares, the star blockchain Ethereum experienced capital outflows amounting to 61 million dollars in a single week. This marks its worst performance since August 2022. This situation raises many questions about the future of the ETH crypto and its impact on the crypto market.

    Ethereum News
    Unprecedented capital outflows on Ethereum

    Ethereum records a massive loss of 61 million dollars

    In just one week, investment products based on Ethereum recorded a massive loss of 61 million dollars. This worrying trend marks the third consecutive week of capital outflows for digital assets.

    According to the report by CoinShares, this is a massive capital outflow not seen since August 2022. Total losses over two weeks amount to 119 million dollars. Enough to raise questions about Ethereum’s future performance!

    Admittedly, trading volume has increased by 43%. Nevertheless, it still remains well below the annual average of 14.2 billion dollars. This indicates a decline in activity and investor confidence in the Ethereum crypto-asset.

    What impacts on the crypto market?

    While Ethereum is undergoing massive capital outflows, other cryptocurrencies are showing positive signs. This is particularly the case for Bitcoin, which recorded inflows of 10 million dollars. Solana and Litecoin recorded inflows of 1.6 million dollars and 1.4 million dollars respectively.

    As of today, investment products based on Ethereum are thus the least performing. However, this could have significant repercussions on the entire crypto ecosystem, particularly on the Ethereum blockchain.

    For example, dApp and ERC-20 token developers might be encouraged to turn to competing platforms. This would jeopardize Ethereum’s dominant position in the smart contract domain.

    The recent capital outflow from Ethereum highlights the challenges the digital asset market is facing.

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    Ariela R. avatar

    Ariela R.

    Je m’appelle Ariela et j’ai 31 ans. J’oeuvre dans le domaine de la rédaction web depuis maintenant 7 ans. Je n’ai découvert le trading et la cryptomonnaie que depuis quelques années. Mais c’est un univers qui m’intéresse beaucoup. Et les sujets traités au sein de la plateforme me permettent d’en apprendre davantage. Chanteuse à mes heures perdues, je cultive aussi une grande passion pour la musique et la lecture (et les animaux !)


    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and should not be taken as investment advice. Do your own research before taking any investment decisions.

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