Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard Confident Bitcoin Not a Threat to US Dollar

The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard, has shared his view on the future of bitcoin. He is confident that the cryptocurrency poses no...

Bitcoin ‘Going Through the Roof’ Unlike Assets Controlled by Government, Says Former Fed Governor

Former Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh is bullish on bitcoin. He sees all assets that are not controlled by the U.S. government “going through the roof,” unlike those the...

Bank of America Investor Survey Highlights the Most Crowded Trades: ‘Long Tech, Short USD,...

The highly anticipated Bank of America fund manager survey has been published, and this December fund managers who participated in the survey are sweeping up risk assets. The asset...

Hyperinflation and Rent Controls – 2020’s Telltale Signs of Economic Distress Haunts Many Nations

If history serves us well, 2020 is likely a precursor to a long and dreadful economic depression throughout a myriad of countries worldwide. During the last year, economists and...

US Government Agencies Propose Changes to Funds Transfer Rules-Seek to Broaden Definition of Money...

The U.S. Federal Reserve Board and Fincen are seeking feedback on their proposal to lower the threshold at which financial institutions must collect and retain information on funds transfers....

Bitcoin Proponents Bemoan Joe Biden’s Proposed Capital Gains Hike

The U.S. presidential election is only 14 days away, and a number of bitcoin proponents have been discussing the capital gains tax implications Joe Biden plans to invoke if...

Fed Chairman Claims ‘Now Is Not the Time’ to Worry About the Federal Budget

According to the Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, the road to economic recovery is far from over and the Covid-19 pandemic has fueled the tragedy. During his speech at...

$9 Trillion in Stimulus Injections: The Fed’s 2020 Pump Eclipses Two Centuries of USD...

Since September 2019, research shows the Federal Reserve has pumped over $9 trillion to primary dealers by leveraging enormous emergency repo operations. A recently published investigative report shows the...

This Stunning Headline Proves Why Crypto May Perform Well in 2020

Crypto’s fundamental value has long been questioned by its cynics. They cite Bitcoin’s “slow” transaction speeds, the Ethereum DAO hack, and other “shortcomings” in the industry as reasons to...

Why the Author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Is Such a Big Bitcoin Bull

It has been hard to miss the recent tweets from newfound Bitcoin bull Robert “Rich Dad” Kiyosaki. The Vietnam veteran, best known for his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”...
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